1. What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to treat problems according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on theories gradually formulated over thousands of years.
2. How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture can release blocked energy (qi) in the body and stimulate function, evoking teh body's natural healing response through various physiological systems. Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture's effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive function, and sense of well-being.
3. What is the feeling when getting acupuncture?
Generally you just feel like tightness or heaviness. In most cases, you don't feel pain.
4. How long does one session acupuncture take?
One session acupuncture takes about 30 minutes. On some occasion, when applying special techniques, there is no need to retain needles.
5. How many sessions of acupuncture do problems need?
The number of sessions needed depends on the conditions. Generally speaking, for acute problems, 2-4 sessions is required, while for chronic ones, 6-10 times is esssential.
6. Does acupuncture cause any damages?
Generally, acupuncture doesn't result in any damages if the acupuncturist has trained regularly in a tertiary education.
7. What are the results of acupuncture?
Generally most of our patients can get good outcomes, with some of them having unexpected effects. In most cases, patients feel differently instantly.
8. What are the benefits of remedial massage?
- Pain and tension relief.
- Improved flexibility.
- Injury recovery.
- Posture correction.
- Stress reduction and improved sleep.
- Enhanced blood circulation.
9. What is Chinese herbal medicine?
It is used to rectify the unbalanced condition of Yin (negative) and Yang (positive), helping restore normal physiological functions, as such treating problems.
10. What is Ear candling and its benefits?
Ear candling is a practice that involves placing a hollow, cone-shaped candle made of fabric coated in wax into the ear canal and lighting the other end. It creates a vacuum that draws out earwax and impurities from the ear canal. It can also improve hearing, ear infections and relaxation, and help sinusitis.
11. What is pricing?
from $80/session, depends on complexity and duration.
Remedial massage:
neck,shoulders and back ------------------------$50/30 mins.
neck, shoulders, back and legs ----------------$65/45 mins.
whole body -------------------------------------------$85/60 mins.
whole body -------------------------------------------$115/90 mins.
whole body -------------------------------------------$145/120 mins.
Acupuncture & Massageļ¼
acupuncture (30 mins) & massage (30 mins) ------$125.
acupuncture (30 mins) & massage (45 mins) ------$140.
acupuncture (30 mins) & massage (60 mins) ------$160.
Cupping ----------------------------------------------$30/20 mins.
Ear Candling ----------------------------------------$40/25 mins.
Consultation ---------------------------------------$25/session.